
I am Filip and I am a software and systems engineer at Saab AB working on system development and artificial intelligence for surveillance applications. I have a M.S. in Systems, Control and Robotics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden. During the past years I was a visiting research student at Harvard University supervised by Professor Na Li working on distributed bayesian optimization for multi-agent systems, and California Institute of Technology, supervised by Prof. Richard M. Murray and Dr. Petter Nilsson working on optimization based multi-agent planning. I also conducted research at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, as a member of Team Costar in the Darpa Subterranean Challenge.


2020/10/22Attending (virtually) ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics and presenting our paper Planning and Optimization for Multi-Robot Planetary Cave Exploration under Intermittent Connectivity Constraints.
2020/05/01Released dbo on GitHub, a compact python software for distributed bayesian optimization.
2020/04/22Attending (virtually) ICCPS and presenting our paper Intermittent Connectivity for Exploration in Communication-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems. Presentation is available here.
2020/03/01Started my visiting research position at Harvard University supervised by Professor Na Li.
2019/12/23The paper Intermittent Connectivity for Exploration in Communication-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems with Petter Nilsson, Aaron D. Ames and Richard M. Murray on multi-agent coordination under limit communication accepted to ICCPS.
2019/11/19Our paper Intermittent Connectivity for Exploration in Communication-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems published on arXiv.
2019/08/30Finished my visit at California Institute of Technology and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
2019/04/27Attending Southern California Robotic Symposium at California Institute of Technology.
2019/01/01Starting my visiting research position at California Institute of Technology and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.